An honor or memorial gift is a particularly meaningful way to honor or remember family, friends, and colleagues.
Honor gifts can be given in honor of an individuals or groups at any time, and are particularly popular for special occasions and holidays. Memorial gifts are a special way to keep your loved one’s memory and legacy alive
To make an honor or memorial gift click the link below and print out the honor or memorial gift form and mail it to Simon’s Soup Kitchen or make your donation online via the Paypal with any major credit card.
Is your gift in honor of an event in a special person’s life (for example, birthday, new job, anniversary, etc.)? If so, if you provide the person’s first and last name, mailing address along with your name and address using the “add a note” feature on the PayPal page, we will be happy to let them know of your thoughtful gift in their honor.
If you are making a gift in memory of someone, Simon’s Soup Kitchen will contact their family to let them know that you made a tribute donation in their loved one’s name. Please provide under the “add a note” feature on the PayPal page, the first and last name of the person in whose memory the gift has been made; then also provide the first and last name(s) and mailing address of the person(s) that you want to receive an acknowledgment of your thoughtful gift along with your name and address.