Q. How can I volunteer?
A. At this time there are no volunteer opportunities for Thanksgiving or the remainder of  2023-2024 . Monetary donations are the best way to contribute to our mission at this time  as we continue to see unprecedented need at the Simon's Soup Kitchen.

Q. Where is Simon’s Soup Kitchen?
A. Simon’s Soup Kitchen is located in the Parish Center of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. 168 Grant Avenue, Seaside Heights, New Jersey 08751.

Q. When is Simon’s Soup Kitchen open?
A. Tuesdays and Fridays at 5:00PM  during the months of October through April.

Q. I'd like to volunteer. Can I just show up or do I have to schedule?
A. Because of the numbers of people who volunteer on a regular basis, we require advanced scheduling for individuals and groups.

Please  DO NOT just show up.

Q. I represent a civic group or organization who would like to volunteer during a meal. How do I go about scheduling them?
A.  Because of the numbers of people who volunteer on a regular basis, we require advanced scheduling for individuals and groups. 
Please  DO NOT just show up..

Q. I'm scheduled to volunteer for a meal. What times do you need I need to arrive for that?

A. We asked that all volunteers arrive between 4:00pm and 4:15pm. Please try to be on time, arriving late can delay dinner service.

Q. What shall I wear when I come to Simon’s Soup Kitchen?
A. Please wear comfortable shoes and clothing that can get dirty. Jeans are fine but avoid tank tops, open-toed shoes, "belly shirts", short shorts, etc. We provide aprons, hair nets and gloves for people working with food.

Q. What do I do when I get to there?
A. When you arrive please park in the parking lot. You can enter through the side door and notify the staff that you are there to volunteer.

Q. Can I bring my children when I come to volunteer?
A. Due to insurance policies children under 16 years are not able to serve or come in contact with hot food. We do welcome high school groups and groups with minors. Please note that you will need one supervisor over the age of 18 years of age for every four volunteers who are under the age of 18 years of age. And one supervisor needs to remain on location until all your minors are picked up.